Sheffield United v Blackburn 

I had to visit the Blades ground when they came into the Premiership in 2006, simply because it has aways been a club that deserves to be in the top flight of football. Despite there being 5 penaltys on the day, pictures of the 0-0 draw are below and all were saved! 

The Greasy Chip Butty Song.mp3

Sheffield united v Blackburn rovers. Championship 2018-2019 
Saturday 29th December 2018 saw Sheffield united host Blackburn in the Championship. Photos from the weeks sunrises and sunsets are displayed along with videos for you. Sheffield united won 3-0
Andrews photos from Sheffield united v Blackburn rovers
Sheffield united v Blackburn, Championship 2021 - 2022
Bramell lane saw Sheffield united v Blackburn take place in the Championship 2021 - 2022 season on a Wednesday night. I followed the game via watching Sky Sports.
Andrews daily photos for Sheffield United v Blackburn Rovers on Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Sheffield United v Blackburn Rovers,  Championship 2022 - 2023
Bramall Lane hosted Sheffield United v Blackburn Rovers in a 2022 - 2023 Championship season fixture. 
The game had to be followed via Gillette Soccer special due to a train strike which I gained a refund from.
Sheffield United v Blackburn Rovers daily photos from Andrew for Saturday 20th August 2022
Sheffield United v Blackburn Rovers. Championship 2024/2025